
Kof 13 guide
Kof 13 guide

kof 13 guide

C: 72 (70) damage, cancelable, hits overhead. Keep to air-to-air attacks only, hopping in or jumping in with this kick is very dangerous because she will be open to low attacks on the way down to the ground. A jumping back kick aimed upwards, King's best air-to-air attack. B: 45 (40) damage, whiff/cancelable, hits overhead. Very short range, but you can cancel it into her air qcf+K. A: 45 (40) damage, cancelable, hits overhead. A really slow sweep which looks like cr.B in slow motion. It has a thin sized horizontal hitbox which may cause it to be beaten out clean or trade with some hop attacks that have more downward angled hitboxes.Ĭr. A crouching uppercut, can be used as a pseudo anti-air but don't rely on it just for that function. A crouching low kick, arguably one of her best pokes and ground combo starters. On block it is a bit safer than cr.B, so don't hesitate to use it in a blockstring.Ĭr. A crouching jab, good in combos but it's range isn't as good as her cr.B. A: 25 damage, chain/cancelable, hits mid. Be extremely careful with this move during blockstrings when your opponent has meter.they can possibly Guard Cancel Roll the 1 or 2nd hit which may leave you vulnerable if you are committed to canceling it into a special move.Ĭr. Cancel with Venom Strike to make it safe. King's best normal for combos and blockstrings.

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On block is rather safe too, so feel free to use in blockstrings to bait movement and attacks from your opponent.Ĭl. It's rather fast as well, which can be great for completing combos after jump-ins. A high arcing uppercut, decent as an anti-air against neutral jumps when cornered. It can be used as a preemptive anti-air, but don't try to anti-air jumps that are too close to you (or may try to jump all the way over you) or it might whiff and leave you open.Ĭl. A high angled kick with very slow startup and recovery. But if you perform this punish close enough to a crouching opponent, her close C might active instead. It's a great poke, but its disadvantage is that it miss and whiffs completely on crouching opponents, who may punish you with a low attack.

kof 13 guide

It is best used for stopping incoming hops and some far, missed jump-ins. A straight punch which has very fast start-up (3 frames) and good range. It has great range and start-up, but her upper body is vulnerable to any opponents standing normals that reach outside the st.B's range, and any incoming hop attacks. A standing kick aimed low, useful for chaining into slide kick. A standard jab attack, good for stopping hops. A: 30 damage, chain/cancelable, hits mid.

  • Poor mixup game (no overhead/proximity unblockable).
  • kof 13 guide

  • Low hitting cancelable s.B that has a deceivingly good hitbox.
  • Good zoning tools (projectiles) and good pressure game.
  • Her strongest attributes are her corner pressure, meter building, great ground normals and her fast walk speed which can use to quickly advance and retreat when in close range.

    kof 13 guide

    A lack of a decent reversal without meter really hurts King in the defensive department, so it's best to use her normals and Venom Strikes to keep the opponent at bay. King's difficult matchups are those against rushdown characters with heavy mix-ups. Using EX moves and drive cancels, King is able to get the opponent to the corner, where she can get her best damage with either HD combos or EX Surprise Rose. Because of this, her neutral game is very important. Her rushdown isn't terribly exceptional since she doesn't have any real mixup options. She can keep an opponent at bay by utilizing her projectile game, though predictability in this area can work against her favor. King's Move List Video Quick Combo Reference 0 Stock, No Drive GaugeĬr.B, cr.B, st.B, df+D, hcb+B, st.C = 221 dmgĬr.B, cr.B, st.B, df+D, qcf+BD, hcb+D = 308 dmgĬl.D, df+D, hcb+D, qcf+BD, qcf+B, hcb+D = 427 dmgĬl.D, df+D, qcf+BD, qcf+B, hcb+D isn’t affected by scaling easily, please use it often as a combo starter." Gameplay Overview

    Kof 13 guide